

>AMS 2.01 WASN'T developed by TI!!! It was written by
>Soft Warehouse Inc. , the guys who did 1.00 and 1.05.
>Hey, we all got our hands on a bootleg copy of the
>program, and we're blaming TI for the problems!! Now
>TI's inference that on of us may have written it is
>absolutely absurd! We would have to started work on it
>just after the 89 came out in order to get it this
>complete. So it was a pre-release copy. SO WHAT? It
>may take awhile but we'll figure it out! the 85 had no
>built-in ASM support, but now it's got some awesome
>games! WHY? BECAUSE WE DIDN'T GIVE UP!!!!!!!!

First of all, you spelled 'revelation' wrong in the subject, and please
don't use all caps - it's annoying.

Second, SOFT WAREHOUSE _IS_ TI -- TI purchased them sometime last year.
Furthermore, Soft Warehouse did NOT write the ROMs - they wrote derive, a
very popular CAS written in C (and designed for more powerful systems than a
calc).  TI merely paid to be licensed to modify derive for use in the 89 and
92+ -- Paul confirmed for me that TI's 68k engineers are in-house at the
Texas offices.
