A89: [OT] seti and screen savers
A89: [OT] seti and screen savers
Don't want it as a screen saver (seti that is) DL the
setiathome-1.3.i386-winnt-cmdline.exe version... that will run on 98...
plus it's a ton faster than the screen saver (and no silly graphics).
----- Original Message -----
From: Miles Raymond <m_rayman@bigfoot.com>
To: <assembly-89@lists.ticalc.org>
Sent: Thursday, December 02, 1999 1:10 PM
Subject: A89: Re: Re: Re: PR Hit -- Those bastards
> Please, not a screen saver app! That's the whole reason that I haven't
> SETI@home... If we actually do this, then please just make this a bg app
> even a windows service. I never have used screen savers and don't plan on
> starting, even though I'd like to help w/ this cause.
> -Miles Raymond EML: m_rayman@bigfoot.com
> ICQ: 13217756 IRC: Killer2 AIM: KilIer2 (kilier2)
> http://www.bigfoot.com/~m_rayman/
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Zeromus Mog" <zeromusmog@home.com>
> To: <assembly-89@lists.ticalc.org>
> Sent: Tuesday, November 30, 1999 11:55 PM
> Subject: A89: Re: Re: PR Hit -- Those bastards
> > ----- Original Message -----
> > From: Serial <Serial@earthlink.net>
> > To: <assembly-89@lists.ticalc.org>
> > Sent: Tuesday, November 30, 1999 9:22 PM
> > Subject: A89: Re: PR Hit -- Those bastards
> >
> > > As for that 3rd option under unrealistic. There is a possibility to
> that
> > > though.
> > > My comp spends months at a time up and 90% of that time it's idle on
> > > or something to that end. It's a p3 500 with 128 meg of ram ... if we
> > > devoted our idle time to crack it we could have it in a few months
> *maybe*
> > > I know the 56bit keys take years sometimes but it's worth our idle
> to
> > > try. If someone would write a program to either randomly generate keys
> > > and test them or use the brute force method I'd happily donate
> > > amounts of time to the cause. I think it's entirely possible to break
> > > and we may get lucky. And in the mean time we can get the best of the
> > > best to break open the rom.
> >
> > Yeah. I got a PIII 550 right here! This sucker sits here doing nothing a
> > LOT! If someone can make a background app that picks key ranges from a
> > website that haven't been used yet, then my computer sat here and tried
> > bunch of codes while it was doing nothing... I could help make a dent in
> > this! And if we got most people to do this...! Yeah it takes a long
> > but who knows? We may get lucky...
> >
> > -Zero