A89: Re: Date: Mon, 06 Sep 1999 12:21:54 GMT
A89: Re: Date: Mon, 06 Sep 1999 12:21:54 GMT
Sorry, regular idiot-bashing follows:
Hahaha! Very clever! Why did you put the date/time in the subject? As if
every email ever sent doesn't already include this... Let me educate you...
If you use OE, try pressing ALT-ENTER (usually this is associated w/ a
properties window - try it in WindowsExplorer) and look on the first tab,
near the bottom and tell me what you see? Duh, wow!!! It has both the
time sent, and the time received!!! Ok, now that I've proven that you don't
know about email... on with your stupidness of calculators/mailing
lists/calculator websites too?
First of all, let me explain to you why you subscribed: You wanted some
info from the list. Now you want to unsubscribe, so that's ok. But my God
man! Does anyone ever read instructions? I know this will hurt... but try
to remember back to the time when you signed 'yup' for this mailing list...
Ok, so you can't remember... your memory is as bad as your reading skills.
Let me refresh your memory:
1) It was a webpage of a major TI site.
2) It was a page on that site where you could browse the archives of emails.
3) It hints to itself in the email address fool! assembly-89@lists.
whatgoeshere? .org
So, as you can see, even an idiot can figure this out... Oops! I forgot...
you are an idiot and didn't figure this out! So as you can see, not even an
idiot can figure this out. It must be taught like math or english or
science is in schools. Drilled into your brains so that further down the
road you don't make really stupid, really embarrassing mistakes that could
have easily been avoided if you knew how to read and recall it from memory.
btw: If you still don't have enough direction from all of that, I suggest
you go to:
And if you _still_ are too stupid to find it there, then how about I torture
the list for your benefit and paste it in here? Will that make you happy
because you are so dumb?
\\begin paste\\
All ticalc.org mailing lists are run from the server lists.ticalc.org and
are administered by ticalc.org staff. Several rules and regulations apply to
all lists hosted on that server. Please visit our Site Policies section for
our mailing list rules.
To subscribe to a list on lists.ticalc.org, send an email from the address
where you want to receive your mail (which must be the same as the address
you will be posting from) to:
Leave the subject line empty, and in the body of the message, type:
SUBSCRIBE (listname)
where (listname) is the name of the mailing list you want to subscribe to.
You should momentarily receive a request from the mailing list server to
confirm that you want to subscribe to the list. Follow the instructions in
the confirmation email and you will be subscribed to the list.
To unsubscribe from a list on lists.ticalc.org, send an email from the
address you used when you subscribed (this is important!) to:
Leave the subject line empty, and in the body of the message, type:
UNSUBSCRIBE (listname)
where (listname) is the name of the mailing list you want to unsubscribe
from. You should momentarily receive confirmation from the mailing list
server that you have been successfully unsubscribed.
\\end paste\\
-Miles Raymond EML: m_rayman@bigfoot.com
ICQ: 13217756 IRC: Killer2 AIM: KilIer2 (kilier2)
----- Original Message -----
From: Michael Kristiansen <mike_emk@hotmail.com>
To: <assembly-89@lists.ticalc.org>
Sent: Monday, September 06, 1999 7:22 AM
Subject: A89: Date: Mon, 06 Sep 1999 12:21:54 GMT
> unsubscribe assembly-89
> end
> ______________________________________________________
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