A89: (C language) Macro Expansion
A89: (C language) Macro Expansion
Mark Leverentz writes:
> I would like to create macros which are assembly statements, but the trick
> is that I want to be able to change what the assembly statement is.
> For instance, I know it is possible to do this:
> #define MY_MACRO(x) asm("\n" x ": .byte 0\n");
> MY_MACRO(MyByte)
With gcc you get a parsing error fo that. You should use
MY_MACRO( "MyByte" )
However, you don't want to do that, you want to do
#define MY_MACRO(x) asm("\n" #x ": .byte 0\n");
instead and then you *can* (and, in fact, must) use
MY_MACRO( MyByte )
> But things get more complicated. I would like to be able to pass numbers as
> parameters, and have them included in the string. For example:
> #define DECLARE_POINT(x,y) asm("\nMyRect: .long " x ", " y "\n");
> This will work only if x and y are literal strings, f.x.
> DECLARE_POINT("3","4")
> Is there any way to do this without passing literal strings, f.x.
Using the above construct will solve your problem. It is an ANSI C
thing therefore any ANSI C compiler will accept it. That is:
#define DECLARE_POINT(x,y) asm("\nMyRect: .long " #x ", " #y "\n");
and you can then do
DECLARE_POINT(13,an_other_assembly_label+3 );
will generate the expected
asm( "\nMyRect: .long 13 , an_other_assembly_label+3\n" );
and so on.
It is based om 2 things:
ANSI C defines the # operator in macro parameter expansion, which
causes the parameter substitutrion to be surrounded by double quotes.
ANSI C also declares that two character strings with only whitespace
between them will be concatenated into one string.
I suggest reading
B. W. Kernighan - D. M. Ritchie
"The C Programming Language",
Second Edition.
ISBN 0-13-110362-8