A89: Cutting off sprites
A89: Cutting off sprites
> how is it possible to cut off how many lines are in a sprite from within the
> sprite:...mask: construct using a register? for example:
> [ ... ]
> int x;
> int y;
> int lines;
> {
> asm("
> move.w 8(%sp),%d0
> move.w 10(%sp),%d1
> move.w 12(%sp),%d2
> lea sprites(%PC),%a0
> bra oversprite
> sprites:
> dc.w %d2 //error received here
No wonder. 'dc' stands for Define Constant. Now d2 is not really a
constant, is it. You can only use numbers or arithmetic expressions
which can be evaluated to a constant at link time as operands for the
dc directive.
> dc.w 3
> [ .. ]
> dc.b 255,255,255
> oversprite:
> ");
> put_sprite();
> };
> is there a way to do it?
Well, you can do this:
move.w 8(%sp),%d0
move.w 10(%sp),%d1
move.w 12(%sp),%d2
lea sprites(%PC),%a0
move.w %d2,sprites // This stores d2 at the first word
// of sprites
bra oversprite
ds.w 1 // this is just allocation of space
dc.w 3
Best Regards,