A89: C -- help inserting one line of asm code into C compiler
A89: C -- help inserting one line of asm code into C compiler
There is a line of code here, which l think l can use as a getkey() function.
l want to use them in tigcc, using the
construct. Can anyone help me convert this line of asm code so that it will
work with the C compiler? it is:
move.w (doorsos::MaxHandles+$1E),d0
l've tried putting it in my C program but the compiler does not recognize
this as regular code that it can assemble.
If the above is not correct and you need the rest of the code, here is the
tst.w (doorsos::kb_vars+$1C)
beq get_key
move.w (doorsos::MaxHandles+$1E),d0
clr.w (doorsos::kb_vars+$1C)