A89: In need of bug hunting help...


A89: In need of bug hunting help...

I'm trying to write a program, and the first part I wrote is giving my 
problems.  I can't find the problem, and any help would be appreciated.  
It's probably some stupid newbie mistake.  Oh well, here we go...

Note: The rest of the program was deleted to save space.

I can't figure out why this code works:

	clr.w d0
	move.l #$2000,a6
	move.w #0,d4
	move.w #0,d5
	move.b #4,d6
	bsr view_file_draw_char_row


But, this refuses to work, and keeps drawing characters to the screen 

	clr.w d0
	move.l #$2000,a6
	move.w #0,d4
	move.w #0,d5
	move.b #4,d6
	bsr view_file_draw_char_row

	clr.w d0
	move.l #$2000,a6
	move.w #0,d4
	move.w #0,d5
	move.b #4,d6
	bsr view_file_draw_char_row


This is the rest of the code:

;inputs: d4=x, d5=y, d6=char_num+1
	move.b (a6)+,d0
	move.w	#4,-(a7)	;color #4 : black on white
	move.w  d0,-(a7)	;character
	move.w	d5,-(a7)	;y coord
	move.w	d4,-(a7)	;x coord
	jsr _ROM_CALL_1A4	;DrawChar
	lea 8(a7),a7		;restore stack
	addq.w #6,d4		;move cursor
	dbra.b d6,view_file_draw_char_row	;repeat if 5 characters have been drawn

Any help would be appreciated.  Thanks


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