A89: Accessing data from an 89z file


A89: Accessing data from an 89z file

ok,  i asked this question about a week ago,  maybe no one understood, or 
what.  but i could really use help to figure this out.  ok.  what i want is 2 
differnt .89z files needed.  one would be the main program.  another would 
simply have backgrounds (ala sft2ti or whatever street fighter is)  i want 
the main program to set up the screen,  choose a random number,  then jump to 
the other program, to get a background,  and have that program draw the 
background on the screen,  then go back to the main program,  draw whatever 
(text) over the pic,  and then do the program,.  its gonna be a trivia game,  
NO, NOT YOU DONT KNOW JACK!,  but does everyone get what i want?  if not ask 
and i shall explain further,  it would really be a help if someone could 
write up a quick program to explian this for me it'd be greatly appreciated,  
thanks alot.  please help this time.  thanks.