Re: A89: A REALLY Annoying Error!
Re: A89: A REALLY Annoying Error!
You have probably forgot some letter somewhere so the assembler thinks that your
register is a label or something.. check for that.
//Olle wrote:
> I get the following from the compiler when I try and compile a lookup table
> demo I'm working on (sure to be a favorite of secret button fans! :) Here is
> what I'm getting:
> Assembling lookup.asm
> PASS 1 line 356
> PASS 2 line 356
> End of assembly - no errors were found.
> Heap usage: -w2047,136
> Total hunk sizes: 244 code, 0 data, 0 BSS
> _
> Error: Undefined symbol 'a0'
> There were errors.
> ...why would it assemble perfectly then complain about not knowing what the
> register is at the end? What is the cause of this error? If the source code
> is needed, please tell me.