Re: A89: Random number help


Re: A89: Random number help

You can userlib::random
Here is an example.

you can write your question before this and this will
send you randomly to an answer.

 move.w #14,d0 ;uperlimit of random number 
 jsr    userlib::random :put's a random number 0<x<14
in d0.
 cmp.w  #0,d0  ; 0 is lowest number that can be gotten
 beq answer1     ; branches to answer one.
 cmp.w  #1,d0  ; check to see if one
 beq answer2   ; goes to answer two.
And so on until it is 14.  I hope this helps.

--- wrote:
> ok,  i put out a message a little while ago that no
> one responded to so im 
> gonna ask again.  im looking for someone to help me
> out with random numbers.  
> i want the program to go to a different program and
> get like a random number 
> from 1-15, or something, and with that number go
> through and get that list.  
> such that
> Randint(1,15,Num)
> If Num=1
> Then 
> "why does no one in this list ever answer my
> questions?"->question
> "Because no one knows the answer."->answer1
> "because they are too lazy to type"->answer2
> "no one feels like helping"->answer3
> return
> if Num=2
> Then
> ...
> etc, etc  
> understand what im asking for?  please help this
> time.  thanks

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