Re: A89: This is strange!!!
Re: A89: This is strange!!!
If anyone wants, I can get the code we're using in Zelda and Pokemon to do
external savgames. It saves the data as another ASM variable, so you could
only access it from an ASM program - but it works pretty well =)
I'd bet that your problem is trying to write to a buffer created with
tios::heapalloc but writing more information than the buffer is set to hold
and having it overflow into some important ROM area - in this case, the VAT.
I had the same problems when trying to write to graphlib::plane1 when
greyscale was off or writing 101 bytes to a 100 byte heap. . . I can't get
the source from the digest version, so please send a copy directly to me =)
-Scott Noveck (SMN)
Lead Programmer:
Pokemon 89 - Zelda 89
>Date: Mon, 5 Apr 1999 15:00:47 -0700 (PDT)
>From: Ben Rodgers <>
>Subject: A89: This is strange!!!
>- --0-1804289383-923349647=:1864
>Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
>Content-Disposition: inline
>I got some help from Xavier about saving information
>to a variable. I made a program that works. The
>problem is when I use another program to get the
>information it turns the program into an expression.
>Does anybody know what is happening? Both programs
>are attached below. Thanks.