A89: Re: Drugwars (TI-89's speed discussion)


A89: Re: Drugwars (TI-89's speed discussion)

I've just replaced my TI-92 by a TI-89, because of the size of the TI-92 and its weight, which were annoying. What's more, the TI-89 has much more memory than any other TI calc (except the TI-92+ of course) in such little room.
The TI-89 is much more faster and easy to use, U can access every things you want so quickly, it's awesome. It's impossible that the TI-86 is that fast and that efficient.

One example is that you can config very easily you calc to launch any program with a shortcut:
U just put it in main, and call it kbdprgm1 to launch it with [diamond] [1] from any directory, or kbdprgm2 to launch it with [diamond] [2], and et cetera...
I can just applause the TI team which did that, it's just wonderful.

Personaly, I made a Program Manager, a kind of shell (PGL2.0, which could be found on www.tical.org, if my demand was accepted, if it wasn't just ask me for it, I'll be proud to send it to you. Maybe I'll put it on my web site, check for it soon at the CedFoo's Place) based on the popup function and matrices, with which you can store all your programs in unlimited subdirectories, and access them directly without typing anything but [diamond] [1...9].
I'm making advertising here :-)

What's more U can combine this technic with the [custom] menu. I never used it on the TI-92, cause it was useless (in my point of view) thanks to the qwerty keyboard, but on the TI-89, if I take the example of the units some people were talking about, the default [custom] menu made by TI contains all the main units often used. And if not, you can even edit it to extend its capabilities or doing your brand new one.
If I carry on the idea of the combination of these two technics, you switch between your different menus by just pushing [diamond] [1],[2],…, after having defining your personnal menus in programs kbdprgm1, kbdprgm2…

I ve'gotten this calc for only two days, and already love it, thanks to its power and efficiency.

This news list is awesome, we start talking about Drugwars, and we finish by talking about the (wonderful) speed of the TI-89. It's cool :-)

P.S: I'm still looking for a 68k assembler for mac, since there is nothing like that on ticalc's site. Please, there must be somebody programming in assembly code from a macintosh in this news list, since basically, this is an assembly news list a far as I know !!

Waiting for any answer. CedFoo. (cedfou@chez.com).