Re: A89: Saving your Flash Rom in 4 Easy Steps
Re: A89: Saving your Flash Rom in 4 Easy Steps
This only protects for "viruses" (trojan horse is a better name)
written in Basic
and how have you figured out how to check for a clever-written
asm-virus? Its impossible to make a general tester.. you kan du a
general check for poorly written viruses and then you need a special
check for every new virus found.. Lets just hope noone is stupid
enough to start developing viruses for ti89....
flinn wrote:
> It doesn't take much to keep a program from screwing your flash rom
> over..
> 1. Get Ti-Graph Link 89 software from
> 2. Open Ti-Graph Link 89 and the program you want to check
> 3. Go to Edit>Find and then search for Archive
> 4. If it highlights anything with Archive, don't use that program.
> - Flinn