Re: A89: Shell compatibility
Re: A89: Shell compatibility
I think that would be a good idea, espically now since not very many
programs have been released - it would be a good idea to settle on a
standard before people start dividing between the two shells.
Bryan Rabeler <>
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On Thu, 24 Sep 1998, David Phillips wrote:
> Which file format is more efficient or overall better (since I haven't seen
> both...)? This exact same thing happened on the TI-82 when asm came out
> for it. There was Ash and OShell82. And there were two sets of
> programmers, each half writting for one shell or the other. Of course, you
> could only have one shell on your calc at a time due to the lack of asm
> support, so you could only run half of the available programs.
> Fortunately, Jason Todd, the writer of OShell82, stopped supporting it and
> everyone moved to Ash. But for a while, it was a pretty big issue.
> Are we going to let the same thing happen here? Is it possible for the
> shell authors to come up with single loader and library format, much with
> fargo, but allow separate interfaces? Especially with the lack of programs
> being written, it would really be bad to only be able to run half of them.
> At 07:59 PM 9/24/98 +0200, you wrote:
> >
> >
> >>I don't have a TI-89 yet, so I am just wondering how compatible these two
> >>shells are. Can someone spill it all out for us?
> >
> >Programs compiled for Plusshell can be run with any TI89, with or without
> >Doors OS, because they have an internal loader code into the program.
> >
> >However their file format is really different from the one we use in Doors
> >(we will release it soon), so the comment and libs list are not accessed
> >the same way.
> >
> >Programs compiled for Doors can't be run if Doors hasn't been installed.
> >They will just exit at the very beginning
> >
> >Hope this helps..
> --
> David Phillips
> ICQ: 13811951
> AOL/AIM: Electrum32