Re: A89: Re: and now a REAL ASM question!


Re: A89: Re: and now a REAL ASM question!

Ahh!  I see!  Thank you SO much for clearing this up for me.  =)

>>ok, so do you mean that after the "lea" instruction, AO will POINT to the
>>beginning of the string?  And therefore if I use "move" it will actually
>>load the first byte of the STRING into A0 rather than the address of the
>>string?  I kind of understand, but I just wanted to make sure...  so if I
>>lea  (A0),A1
>>and A0 was "1000", then A1 would be "1000" rather than the actual WORD at
>>memory adress 1000?  Or am I completely screwed up?
>lea (A0),A1 would be pointless, since it would be the same as movea A0,A1
>The point of lea is to load _effective address_ of the operand into the
>second operand.  The reason you need to do lea string(pc), A1 is because
>you want to load the address of string(pc) -- the # of bytes to the string
>plus the program counter -- into A1, instead of moving the contents of it
>by using the move instruction.
>Hope this helps!