Re: A89: a89: Drugwars


Re: A89: a89: Drugwars

I'm too busy to read your message, but all I have to say is... in the words of a
poodle owner.. you sux bad.

- Flinn

David Phillips wrote:

> Ok, let's not flame anyone, please?  I agree that the dispute has gotten
> way out of hand.  Just because you don't like the game, why can't someone
> else program it?  I think that writting a text based game in asm such as
> drugwars is an excellent way to learn and get comfortable with asm.  I for
> one, learned how to program asm by writting tic-tac-toe for the 86.
> Btw, the 89 seems to run much slower than the 82/83/85/86 in most
> operations, except for when drawing graphs.  The rom being written in C and
> due to everything being done symbolically slows everything down.  Also, the
> 89 is much harder to use than the other calcs, IMHO.
> We need to stop arguing over what someone should program and write some
> cool games ourselves!
> At 10:37 PM 9/23/98 -0400, you wrote:
> >
> >Hehe.. this little 'dispute' has gotten so lame it's funny.. Let's see if
> I can
> >make it
> >a little more fun...  DRUGWARS SUCKS and EVERYONE WHO HATES
> >IT SUCKS (except me).  BTW, the ti85, ti86, and ti83 are slower than the ti89
> >you FOOL!
> >tee hee
> --
> David Phillips
> ICQ: 13811951
> AOL/AIM: Electrum32
