Re: A89: annoying little quirks
Re: A89: annoying little quirks
>> I know the 89 is legal on AP tests, does anyone know if it
>> is legal onInternational Baccalaureate (IB) exams? I will
>> the screen was the same size and at the same angle as
>> the 86, then I could switch the external cases on the two
>> but I would still have to memorize what the keys were.
> isn't the point of these tests to test your intelligence? Why
> not just do what everyone else does and study, rather than
> try and cheat. It's a lot eaiser that way.
IMHO, being able to place a TI-89 in a TI-86 case is a very good
display of intelligence. I don't know ten people (in person) who
would know how to do that. And studying is definitely not a lot
easier and definitely not more likely to assure you as improved
a grade as switching the cases. It's wrong and I wouldn't
personally do it, but I disagree with your reasoning of why it
shouldn't be done. I wouldn't mind seeing an 89 in an 86 case
either. I always thought the 86 case looked a lot better. ;-)
All this is IMHO.