A89: Re: New OS thoughts
A89: Re: New OS thoughts
can someone please clarify for me again? When you speak of making a new
"OS" for the 89, do you mean a shell for ASM programs, or do you mean a
whole new GUI and everything? I think a shell would be great (i.e. Usgard,
zshell) but a whole new operating system hasn't ever really been done before
when calculators are concerned. I'm in support of either one, but I'm most
curious to see exactly HOW you plan on completing such an enormous task.
And even if it was accomplished, would it even be reasonably better than the
TI-OS as it is now? what more could you ADD rather than just change?
Thayne Miller
ICQ# 4637439 | mailto:4637439@pager.mirabilis.com
LDS member http://www.lds.org
"The greatest pleasure in yo-yoing is an abstract
pleasure--watching the dramatization of simple physical
laws, and realizing they will never fail if a trick is done
correctly. The geometric purity of it! The string isn't
just a string, it is a tool in the enactment of theorems.
It is a line, an idea" - Frank Conroy, Stop Time