RE: A89: TI-89 GNU OPEN TI OS Pre-Proposal
RE: A89: TI-89 GNU OPEN TI OS Pre-Proposal
That sounds too good to be true. Not having any programming experience,
would this be hard to do?:-)
Simon Ghionea
3D Artist, GrimmWare
Wisdom of Kings - -- Late 1998
Birdie's Home - -- A cute, simple cartoon
character, that dies in every short episode.
> -----Original Message-----
> From:
> []On Behalf Of Cassano
> Sent: Monday, September 07, 1998 9:44 AM
> To:
> Subject: A89: TI-89 GNU OPEN TI OS Pre-Proposal
> With the talk of a new TI-89 OS, I wanted to voice my opinion on
> what the OS would be like. The entire idea and purpose of this OS would
> be to make the TI-89 as open and as accessable as possible. The current
> OS, that TI provides doesn't give us the power we desire out of our
> calcs. We need more. We need to push our TI's to the max! Here we go.
> Tell me what you think. Don't tell me that it's a stupid idea. You don't
> help anyone. We can do whatever I want to do.
> Proposal
> PC to TI connectivity station
> External GNU C/C++/ASM Compilers ( why aren't we using these with good
> libraries? )
> Stable System Kernal ( does the system chores, interupts, blah, blah )
> A standard programming library
> File System (with compression options)
> GUI and text Shell interfaces
> Multi-tasking
> Networking Protocal
> Standard system DLL's program interfaces
> Security System
> Scripting language (similar to TI-BASIC but more power and robust, like
> Java Script)
> Word Processing and other associated applications ( extras )