Re: A89: Graph Link
Re: A89: Graph Link
Yeah, all they did (assuming, what I would have done) is replaced all the
92 bytes to 89, and stuff like that, since it was simple. Global search
and replace, hehe. This is cool, since we can now write programs in
assembly. I will start as soon as my calc arrives (Friday, I hope).
At 05:01 PM 9/2/98 EDT, you wrote:
>In a message dated 9/2/98 4:50:17 PM Eastern Daylight Time,
>> It isn't on the graphlink page at TI, but if you go to the 86 link, and
>> change
>> the "link86.htm" to "link89.htm" you can get the beta!
>it's _really_ beta though, many of the screen titles still have "TI-Graphlink
>(92 Plus)" as their title! However it works though. And l got the real TI
>cable today, so l can be sure to have my 89 programs out by the weekend. My
>calc is due here on Friday.
David Phillips
ICQ: 13811951
AOL/AIM: Electrum32