Re: A89: Re: Actual Assembly Programming?!
Re: A89: Re: Actual Assembly Programming?!
At 09:43 PM 9/1/98 -0500, you wrote:
>There are certain reasons that we cant make assembly programs yet.
>First of all, we dont know what any of the calls that Ti made are. Its not
>very fun to sit around and test 65,000 calls, having no idea whatsoever
>where or what any of them do. We do not know the locations of safe ram
This didn't stop Dan Eble or David Ellsworth. ZShell and Fargo were alot
of dissassembling and figuring out how it all worked.
>Second of all, to effectively produce assembly programs we would need to be
>able to send one to the 89 in the correct syntax.
>and last of all... most people, myself included, have no Ti-89 as of now.
You're right, I didn't really think of that. I just think that there is
way too much list traffic for an assembly list when no actual assembly
programming has been discuessed yet.
Does anyone on this list know M68000 yet?
David Phillips
ICQ: 13811951
AOL/AIM: Electrum32