Re: A89: A simple? Question
Re: A89: A simple? Question
>argh.. i don't see what's wrong.. if i change the jrs at the bottom to jsr,
>it compiles but crashes.. help?
>At 02:56 PM 10/24/98 -0400, you wrote:
>>nevermind, I see what's wrong.. maybe we should tell Rusty to fix hello
>>world also.. by the way, someone please answer my question about the 4 on
>>the stack.. also, what is pc again?
>>At 02:53 PM 10/24/98 -0400, you wrote:
>>>Hello, can someone tell me what is wrong with this :( It doesn't want to
>>>compile :( I am doing it with PlusShell stuff.
>>>Also, why do you load 4 on the stack at first?
>>> include "tios.h"
>>> include "util.h"
>>> xdef _main
>>> xdef _comment
>>> xdef _ti89
>>> jsr util::clr_scr
>>> move.w #4,-(a7)
>>> lea string(pc),a0
>>> move.l a0,-(a7)
>>> move.w #0,-(a7)
>>> move.w #0,-(a7)
>>> jsr tios::DrawStrXY
>>> add.l #10,(a7)
maybe this should be: add.l #10,a7