Re: A89: ti convert
Re: A89: ti convert
Here is something that would work with .92@-files with the "8-char error"
open up the file in a hexeditor of your choice. go to the byte at position $3B
(it should read $0E) change this to $0D. this byte tells the linkprogram how
long the filename is if I'm not mistaken..
This _should_ work.. my linkcabel is broken, so I cant test it myself...
//Olle wrote:
> I have also been using the same method, but it only works with files with 7 or
> less characters in the internal filename. With the BASIC programs, it is easy
> enough (however tedious) to change the names, but with things like pictures
> and things, I'm not sure if it is possible. I hope there is a utility for it
> somewhere.