A89: Fwd: ti-89


A89: Fwd: ti-89

In a message dated 10/17/98 12:57:23 PM Eastern Daylight Time,
bobnlou263@worldnet.att.net writes:

> I am writting to you because I have a great idea for a science program
>  for the ti-89.  It would have lots of chemistry and phisics formulas
>  presented in a creative way.  Asm would be awesome for this program, but
>  I believe that a good one could be programed in basic also.  However, I
>  cannot program either very well.  I am looking for someone who would be
>  interested in creating this program with my help for ideas and formulas.
>  Would you be interested?  Do you know of someone who would be?  Could
>  you please foreward this to someone if you aren't interested.  I've got
>  lots of good ideas for this program.

-- BEGIN included message

I am writting to you because I have a great idea for a science program
for the ti-89.  It would have lots of chemistry and phisics formulas
presented in a creative way.  Asm would be awesome for this program, but
I believe that a good one could be programed in basic also.  However, I
cannot program either very well.  I am looking for someone who would be
interested in creating this program with my help for ideas and formulas.

Would you be interested?  Do you know of someone who would be?  Could
you please foreward this to someone if you aren't interested.  I've got
lots of good ideas for this program.

-- END included message