A89: Re: Attn: Dux or any z80 programmer
A89: Re: Attn: Dux or any z80 programmer
Jimmy Mardell already wrote one (for Fargo); I'm not sure where you can find
it, but it shouldn't be too hard ... maybe Bryan knows. Anyhow, that's how
I figured out 68k.
> Can anyone who has coded z80 in the past like Dux write a set of
>toutorials for going from z80 -> 68k? I will read the ones on ticalc.org
>and the one on dim-ti as well, but it would be cool if there is a toutorial
>for people who know z80 already, since it might be easier to learn..
>PS - Dux, did you look at the 86 src I sent you a week or so ago?
Yeah, I'm working on it :-)
> -Ahmed
>Ahmed El-Helw
>ICQ : 3350394