Re: A89: Flash ROM-Archive command
Re: A89: Flash ROM-Archive command
> Recently I e-mailed TI asking them about the fact that since the archive is
> Flash eeprom chip, if the possibility of simply archiving a variable over
> and
> over again would possibly burn out the archive, and their response was quite
> interesting, it doesn't. No singel archive and unarchive will burn out the
> chip, instead, the chip has been redesigned to only "gain" age whenever a
> "garbage collection" takes place. So basically, you'd not only have archive
> a
> variable enough times to make the calc preform a garbage collection, then
> you'd have to do it again, and again, etc. Basically you'd have to perfrom
> about 10,000 garbage collections, not simply 10,000 archives/unarchives.
This is logical. The ROM will gain age when a variable is archived for the
first time, but it's not removed from the archive until it is unarchived, and
another variable is archived for the first time or a garbage collection is
Therefore, those are the only two times the ROM ages.
1. When a variable is archived for the first time.
2. When a garbage collection is run.