A89: Flash ROM-Archive command
A89: Flash ROM-Archive command
Recently I e-mailed TI asking them about the fact that since the archive is a
Flash eeprom chip, if the possibility of simply archiving a variable over and
over again would possibly burn out the archive, and their response was quite
interesting, it doesn't. No singel archive and unarchive will burn out the
chip, instead, the chip has been redesigned to only "gain" age whenever a
"garbage collection" takes place. So basically, you'd not only have archive a
variable enough times to make the calc preform a garbage collection, then
you'd have to do it again, and again, etc. Basically you'd have to perfrom
about 10,000 garbage collections, not simply 10,000 archives/unarchives. their
e-mail reply follows:
Thank you for your recent correspondence. There is not a limit to the
number of times that you can write to the archive of the TI-92 Plus. Each
individual archive/un-archive would not cause a Flash ROM re-write. It is
related to the garbage collection process when you run out of memory. You
will see the Garbage Collection message every time it happens. The memory
management system of your TI-89 was designed to allow the life of the Flash
ROM to exceed 10-15 years even under extreme usage.
I hope you find this information helpful. If you have further questions or
comments please feel free to contact me at your convenience. Please copy
this message in your response and send directly to ti-cares@ti.com.
Yvonne Zeilan
hope this helps you all out.
Mike [INVERTIGO] Mallon
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Zelda 89: Journey to a New Land!!! it's at Http://welcome.to/ccia
hope you like it, and enjoy!!!