Re: A89: Re: functions in demo display


Re: A89: Re: functions in demo display

the equation for the 3d graph is

this is in 3d graph mode obviously!  =)

a cool program to try is this one.
i didn't make it, so don't ask me.  i got it off of the ti-89/92+ discussion group TI has.

                                     :If play=1 Then
                                     :0->eye (W type thing,'diamond ( alpha w')
                                     :45->eye (o type thing,'diamond ( alpha o')
                                     :NewFold z_stopic
                                     : Else
                                     :For i,1,50,1
                                     : i*0.04->g
                                     : Define
                                     : DispG
                                     : StoPic #("drop"&string(i))
                                     :CyclePic "drop",50,speed,rot,1

to run it type


it took me about 45min to get it to draw all the pics, but after that type
to run it.  it looks cool.
