Re: A89: Whizz! for the TI-89


Re: A89: Whizz! for the TI-89

I f the prog didn t run this is because the librairies needed are not found :
The prog that u ve got is looking for 92 Plus librairies because it s an originally 92 Plus file. If u want it to get it work u need the source code to compile it with at the top
xdef _ti89. Or u can take the 92 Plus libraries in Plus Shell 0.9, I didn t test this last try.
Hey, I had exactly the same problem. First of all, I tried to install PlusShell 0.9 but didn't work at all: I guess it's only for the TI-92 ?
Then I tried to install PlusShell 0.99, and the shell, the hello prog and the grayscale test worked very well. The problem is that I downloaded games, compiled for the TI-89, directly from the PlusShell site, but they didn't  work at all. Wether they just crashed or said: "Library not found: ______".
If somebody could explain ?