A89: TI-IE (refined)


A89: TI-IE (refined)

After positive feedback about WindowsTI and TI-IE with few people, I have taken suggestions on how to make TI-IE a more realistic goal.
First of all, the previous post (WindowsTI) suggested that TI-IE be a web browser.  This means that TI-IE would handle all of the HTML layout control, jpeg and gif compression, and suggests the handle the plug-ins.  The problem with TI-IE being a web browser was the memory limitations on the calculator.  The solution, as presented to me, is to make TI-IE a VIEWER, rather than a BROWSER.
TI-IE would be a proprietary, or TI-calc Standard Picture (TSP) viewer.  Hopefully this type of picture will become standard for all TI-calcs, and therefore no longer be proprietary.  Let me explain how TI-IE would work.  TI-IE would consist of two seperate programs, a viewer assembled for the TI-calc, and a host compiled on a UNIX system.  To explain their relationship, I will first describe the UNIX host.
The UNIX host will be a program that downloads all web content (pictures, videos, links, and sound) and compress them into a TSP file.  This TSP file could be configured to be in a various number of greyscales, and contain limited interactive motion and sound (multi-media).  The web content would come in three categories: Layout (HTML) Graphix (gif, jpeg, and videos) and Multi-Media (interactive content and sound).  Layout will be determined by W3 standards (Windows IE or Netscape) and a snapshot stored in a lossy gif-like compression scheme in the TSP file.  Graphix will be reduced to the greyscale set by the TI-IE viewer.  Multi-Media such as Java and sound, will be added to the TSP file according to the settings of the TI-IE viewer.
The TI-IE viewer will be a WindowsTI program that makes use of all available libraries with the purpose of basic internet connection and display of a TSP file.  The TI-IE viewer will be capable of extracting the sound and interactive content.  It would able the user to set settings that it then relays to the TI-IE host on the dial-up UNIX system.  TI-IE would contain file upload/download capabilities for storage of calc programs and internet play.
The resulting TI-IE application on the calc would be reletively small, and thus solve the memory problem with the previous idea.  I would be grateful for any more suggestions or comments on TI-IE or WindowsTI in general.  Thank you for your time in reading this.
-Miles Raymond