Re: A89: Matrices - BASIC question
Re: A89: Matrices - BASIC question
I use "newMat(25,25)->test" to create it.
I want to set all cells to "0" everytime the program starts (I'd use a
nested for loop for that). Later in the program, I will want to change
individual numbers. How do I change individual cells? I've tried
"3->test[10,10]" and I get a dimension error.
-----Original Message-----
From: Dormando <>
To: <>
Date: Friday, October 02, 1998 6:36 PM
Subject: Re: A89: Matrices - BASIC question
>use the fill command.
>and how are you creating the matrix?
>David Demers wrote:
>> I created a 25x25 matrix called 'test', I looked at it and all of the
>> values up to 25,25 were '0'. That made sense because I hadn't put any
>> values in yet. When I typed (in the home screen and in a program)
>> "5->test[10,10]" I got an error saying "dimension". What am I doing
>> In the program, I also tried:
>> 5->a
>> for x,1,25
>> for y,1,25
>> a->test[x,y]
>> endfor
>> endfor
>> I want to make every value whatever 'a' is.
>> In advance, I appreciate the help. This is the only problem keeping
>> from finishing my game.
>> David Demers