A89: Troubles are a-brewin..
A89: Troubles are a-brewin..
All right people. I still can't get this to work; maybe one of you
out there can help me. I cut and pasted the following code:
include "tios.h" ; This include file contains the ROM functions
include "util.h" ; This include file allows access to the UTIL
; This library includes the keyboard input and
; screen functions.
xdef _main ; This line tells the assembler that a _main
; function exists and execution will start at it.
; Not including this line will cause execution
; always start at the first instruction.
xdef _comment ; This line tells the assembler that a program
; comment exists.
xdef _ti92 ; These lines specify which calculators this
xdef _ti92plus ; will run on.
xdef _ti89
; Execution will start here, at the _main label
jsr util::clr_scr ; clear the screen
move.w #4,-(a7) ; move the first param to the stack
lea string(pc),a0 ; move adress of string to the stack
move.l a0,-(a7)
move.w #0,-(a7) ; push position
move.w #0,-(a7) ; push position
jsr tios::DrawStrXY ; call the DrawStrXY ROM function
add.l #10,a7 ; restore the stack pointer
jsr util::idle_loop ; library routine which waits
until a key
; is pressed.
dc.b "Hello, World!",0
dc.b "Hello World example",0
I changed "Hello, World!" to "Hey, what's up?" and "Hello World
example" to "Abracadabra". EVERYTHING else I left the same. For some
odd reason it would not 'assemble'. I kept getting errors. I tried
doors, and a68k at the DOS prompt.
Anyone out there know what I'm doing wrong?
| Jeremy Moore |
| senoramor@yahoo.com |
| ICQ: #18766049 |
| http://fly.to/favelinks |
"Did somebody say McDonald's?" NO! No one said it! Sheesh!
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