Re: A89: Maybe some math programs?


Re: A89: Maybe some math programs?

from what i hear, assembly is really hard to do math programs with.  don't take that to heart considering i can't program in asm.  i heard it.  =) 

you programmers can answer him better.

At 05:07 PM 11/23/98, Mike Newman said:
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Beginning of Original Message~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
>I realize many of you only care about using assembly for games but aren't
>there some practical uses of assembly to do math?  I don't have any ideas
>off the top of my head but I bought my calculator to do math.  The games
>are just a nice plus. :)
> %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
> % Michael R. Newman %
> %                         ICQ #: 2114458 %
> %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
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