Re: A89: Fw: StarFox -Reply
Re: A89: Fw: StarFox -Reply
>YES!!! Good news at last, and... it looks believable. I don't know if
this means public
>beta-releases or what, but at least with this info, I'm know I can
disribute it without much fear.
>At least it's less fear than what I had started with. I just have one
question: What did MB sue
>(the guy who made Monopoly for the TI-86) for? It was enough to make him
stop, because there is no
>Monopoly for the 86 now... This is my one last fear...
They didn't sue him, they just told him to stop making it. But they also
offered him a job ...
Is mario public domain, does anyone know? is tetris even public domain?
>-Miles Raymond
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Charles Vaughn <>
>To: <>
>Date: Thursday, November 19, 1998 7:38 PM
>Subject: Re: A89: Fw: StarFox -Reply
>>Look, I know a little about legal issues, so I will *try* my best to help
>>you. First off they could only be able to sue you for punitive damages.
>>Because no fee was made of the product they can't sue you for using their
>>name to make money. Second NOA has not released SF for that platform
>>could claim that they had plans to but what court will believe that a
>>corporation was planning to realease a game on a graphing calculator?) so
>>you wouldn't be sued for causing them loss due to that. Third, you are a
>>minor, NOA would look damn silly for suing a kid just because he put a
>>on his calculator and called it StarFox89.