>At 04:28 1998-11-19 -0500, you wrote:
>>Let me revise
that: there are actually three cases, the third being that
coordinates are of negative values. In some clipping
>>must be treated as a unique
>Then the clipping routine was bad...
hehe, it
constitutes everything I've ever written in 68k :-) you can look
at it if you want (the 8x8 version):
before I implemented that case
>>in the 89 clipping routine I wrote, it
actually crashed the calc when you
>>tried to move the sprite off both
the top and the left edges of the screen
>>simultaneously) This is very
nice because on all other TI calcs there are
>>eight cases you must
implement! (or at least test)
>No, only 4 cases. In ASCR (sprite
clipping for the 86), it's only
>four cases. For left & right, I
create a mask. If x=-2, the
>mask would be %00111111 (8 bit sprites on the
86), if x=MAX_X-3,
>mask = %11111000. For top & bottom, just start on
a different row,
>and change number of rows to put.
I understand
that you can use a complicated labeling system and masks to avoid
repeating code -- as you did in ascr and as I
didn't do -- but there are still
eight cases
you need to _test_. For example, once you know that
you must clip the top, you must also test right and left (only left on the 89);
neglecting to do so won't automaticly mean that the code will work when it must
clip multiple directions (ie, clipping in four directions isn't enough by
itself). So, there really are eight cases (three on the 89) that your code
must account for ... still you're right in that you don't necessarily have to
treat them as "unique".