Re: A89: 89 source
Re: A89: 89 source
In a message dated 11/19/98 6:39:02 PM Eastern Standard Time,
> Hi, I figure that the best way for me to learn 89 assembly would be for me
> review another programmer's source code. I already know some assembly for
> the
> z80 but because my 85 was stolen I was never able to become completely
> proficient. So what would be the best source code (of a game) for a
> beginner
> to study in order to learn most of the 68k commands?
Start with hello.asm, then look at a whole bunch of stuff, find something that
is well commented. Also, since 89 assembly is very similar to fargo II, get
newbies.txt (or whatever its called), and 68kguide.txt (or whatever its
called). This will help you with simple instructions. Also, read the library
.h files to learn about the library functions.
> Also can someone explain a little about IRC to me...I understand that it is
> "Internet Relay Chat"-basically a chat room for internet users...Is there a
> fee attached to using this service (I'm sure there is)" How much does it
> cost?
free client software for Windows at
if you're in Unix/Linux, find ircii or bitchx
It is free (in most cases, unless you run an IRC server)
Join #ti on EFNet
> -Steven-
Skip Jordan
Cassius on EFNet, Dalnet