Re: A89: Fw: StarFox -Reply


Re: A89: Fw: StarFox -Reply

-----Original Message-----
From: <>
To: <>
Date: Thursday, November 19, 1998 6:06 PM
Subject: Re: A89: Fw: StarFox -Reply

>I would make sure to chance the story line significantly (at least the names
>of the characters) and change the name from StarFox.  I think StarWolf is
>good.  I mean if it is too similar NOA has every right to sue you, even if
>they don't win you'll have all kinds of lawyer bills, not to mention the
>wasted time you could have been working on your game :)  I think it is just in
>your best interest to change the game enough as to not draw too much attention
>to it.  You could even make a spoof of the original game.  It is just not
>worth the name change from StartFox to Star Wolf to have to go to court and
>have that general hassle.  There are other games similar to StarFox that
>didn't get sued by NOA because they didn't use any code form the original game
>(not like they could) and there was significant differences in the game play
>and story line.

Other games such as....?  I would really like to know about these games, and try to play them also.

-Miles Raymond