A89: programming help and Mario questions
A89: programming help and Mario questions
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Hey. I have a few things. Here are a few questions for you guys:
1. Do you think that I should make it so that the engine is like a
library and you just make small files so it could run many games?
2. What do you think of the title screen I chose?
3. Make sure that you download my PGP key!
4. Do you think there should be speed adjustment?
5. Do you guys really want Mario 89?
6. Do you think I should change the title so it's not confused with
Mario 92?
7. If yes to number six, what should I change it to?
8. Can we stop with the survey to the next version of plushell?
9. Do you guys think I should release an alpha even if all it's just
the title screen and all the sprites?
10. How do you display a four grayscale pic using hufflib. It's
compressed and it's at the label "title"
11. Should there be an oncalc level editor?
12. Is there a way to take grayscale screen shots?
13. What is stored in the "data" type of files on the 89?
14. Is there a list somewhere of the functions in filelib?
15. Any other suggestions?
Michael Bryan Cook
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I pledge allegiance to the compatibles of IBM, and everything that
goes with them. And for the companies under which it stands, one
industry, under Bill, with games and perhapsles for all!
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