Re: A89: Re: Survey for the next version of PlusShell


Re: A89: Re: Survey for the next version of PlusShell

>The most important calls in util are the clear screen, getkey, randomization
>and find pixel calls ... all of which are most likely in the rom.
>grayscale libraries represent the quintessence behind libraries, but if
>someone wants his interrupt to do something more than grayscale, he copies
>out the routine again.
  No, he can use the interrupt if he wants.

>Though you might think the hassel is trivial, but as a programmer, I
>personally don't like the idea of my program being dependent on external
>code in order to run ... for a calculator that requires a shell, libraries
>are acceptable because the program is already dependant on the shell; but
>for calculators that aren't, this is not acceptable.  A program written for
>the 89 should work on every 89 (on every rom version) and not _only_ until a
>new standard is introduced.  Libraries defeat the purpose and elegance of
>built-in assembly support
OK, but the main goal of a library is that the programmer doesn't have to
program everything in its program, so that it is really needed.

>Aside, someone must have found the jump table used for ROM calls (if not,
>then we're stuck with ROM version specific programs when the next version
>comes out)
>so please: share your information!
  It is shared ! $C8 is a pointer to the adress of the ROM table on 89/92+,
it is written in both DoorsOS and Plusshell docs.

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