Re: A89: info requested


Re: A89: info requested

>can you give me some examples on how libraries save space...i know 
>that on the
>85 libraries were basically "outlawed"...what functions do the 
>serve?  Do some library functions take the place of some rom calls 
>because ti
>hasn't released any rom info yet?  ie. clearscreen/zapscreen or 
>do they for instance contain maybe sprite routines so progs can call 
>routine from there and not include it in the string itself...if the 85 
>didn't use libraries even though the lack of memory why do most people 
>libraries on the 89 with all the available space?  I'm just a beginner 
>so no

On the 85, libraries were shunned because the memory is so small that any
library is probably used by only a few programs.  On the 89, the
available memory is large so the potential usefulness of libraries is
multiplied.  Plus, it is a hassle to make sure you have every necessary
library, especially since they were labeled by numbers and not names. 
Libraries save space when many programs use essentially the same function
and it can be adapted to fit all of them.  Think of Windows: every single
program uses its routines, including drawing windows, drop-down menus,
etc.  Much is known about the ROMs but what functions they do not
provide, programmers seem to create.

Justin Bosch

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