Re: A89: PlusShell 1.0
Re: A89: PlusShell 1.0
In a message dated 11/4/98 5:22:08 PM Eastern Standard Time, writes:
> Everyone who replied to PlusShell 1.0
> I'm sorry but all of you with the exception of Ahmed are total
> Well I should have
> known when I told you all PlusShell was out I would have to explain how to
> use
> it. For you lazy
> ASSES I have included tetris, mario92, and nibbles converted. If you want
> other
> here are the steps:
> 1. copy this line to Autoexec.bat
> call C:\folder\s..\setps C:\folder\s
> (If you don't know where Autoexec.bat is type this in run it will help
> you
> a lot
> 2. Restart the computer.
> 3. Start MSDOS prompt
> 4. Go to the folder containing convert.bat
> 5. type CONVERT FILENAME and <enter>
> Wow that was hard. Another lesson for all of you, Read all of the TEXT and
> files.
sorry, but not everyone is as naturally gifted as you are. the fact that some
people don't understand instructions right away is the purpose for this list.
if people who ask questions are "dumness", then all of these lists are
pointless. and if you have nothing to offer the list that insults, you
shouldn't be on it.