Re: A89: PlusShell 1.0
Re: A89: PlusShell 1.0
Wow! Maybe it's just me, but you sound like a total asshole. Any
other thoughts???
---Michael Sorensen <> wrote:
> Everyone who replied to PlusShell 1.0
> I'm sorry but all of you with the exception of Ahmed are total
> Well I should have
> known when I told you all PlusShell was out I would have to explain
how to use
> it. For you lazy
> ASSES I have included tetris, mario92, and nibbles converted. If you
want other
> here are the steps:
> 1. copy this line to Autoexec.bat
> call C:\folder\s..\setps C:\folder\s
> (If you don't know where Autoexec.bat is type this in run it
will help you
> a lot
> 2. Restart the computer.
> 3. Start MSDOS prompt
> 4. Go to the folder containing convert.bat
> 5. type CONVERT FILENAME and <enter>
> Wow that was hard. Another lesson for all of you, Read all of the
> files.
> -Mike
<!doctype html public "-//w3c//dtd html 4.0 transitional//en">
Everyone who replied to PlusShell 1.0
<br> I'm sorry but all of you with the exception
of Ahmed are total DUMBNESS. Well I should have
<br>known when I told you all PlusShell was out I would have to explain
how to use it. For you lazy
<br>ASSES I have included tetris, mario92, and nibbles converted. If you
want other here are the steps:
<p>1. copy this line to Autoexec.bat
<br> <i>call C:\folder\s..\setps C:\folder\s</i>
<br> (If you don't know where Autoexec.bat is type this
in run it will help you a lot
<br>2. Restart the computer.
<br>3. Start MSDOS prompt
<br>4. Go to the folder containing convert.bat
<br>5. type CONVERT FILENAME and <enter>
<p>Wow that was hard. Another lesson for all of you, Read all of the
and HTML files.
| Jeremy Moore |
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| ICQ: #18766049 |
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