Re: A89: US89 I need help


Re: A89: US89 I need help

At 11:26 PM 11/3/98, Charles Vaughn said:
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Beginning of Original Message~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
>My name is Charles Vaughn.  I have conceptualized an ASM shell for the
>89.  I'm in desperate need of assistance in the form of ASM proggramers
>and SD tutorials.  This shell is to be the ultamite TI shell for any

well, now that plusshell had tried to universalize everything, i think a new shell would be worthless.

>The primary purpose of this shell is to emulate Fargo and Fargo II on
>the 89.  Using a special routine it will shrink the 92 screen to fit the
>89.  Also included in the package will be a conversion utility to
>convert z80 asm to 68k asm.  The shell will have a GUI, icons, +shell

having a utility that will convert z80 to 68k would be stupid.  i think i remember someone talking about it and there was a logical explanation for it being stupid, but i don't remember.  anyone?

>and Dooros library support, US89 libraries, screen saver, lite version,
>arrow driven mouse pointer.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~End of Original Message~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

