A89: www.acz.org is online!
A89: www.acz.org is online!
I'm happy to announce that acz, the assembly coder's zenith, has gotten our
domain name! We are a group of C/Asm programmers with a variety of talent,
ranging with platforms such as the Z80, 68000, and x86 asm, and also C/C++.
If the domain name is not functional then that just means it isn't spread to
all the servers yet, since we just got it late Tuesday.
Members | E-mail | AOL/AIM | ICQ UIN
Dux Gregis assets@eden.rutgers.edu n/a 20772374
David Phillips electrum@tfs.net Electrum32 13811951
Stephen Hicks hicks@tampabay.rr.com Kupopo1 5453914
James Rubingh 86guy@usa.net Power2ezln 15660906
Brett Barwick tbarwick@esn.net BarwickBJ 20607010
Clément Vasseur darkclem@wanadoo.fr darkCLEM 9417263
Dave Sheltema scheltem@aaps.k12.mi.us MeDave2000 16817590
Matt Johnson matt2000@dogtech.com n/a 8342478
Quoted from www.acz.org
"Our objectives are to provide the average C and assembly language
programmer with the most elaborate, unrestrained wealth of resources for
these various platforms, while at the same time producing and promoting
quality programs. Here you will find a wealth of information about ACZ, our
large website projects called 86 and 89 central, our hosted site for the
TI-86 emulator, ACZ assembly tutorials and references, and an organized
collection of ACZ's programs and projects."
Example programs/projects:
Arkanoid Beta
Chem 86
Sound Demo v1.0
Starship galactica
Mosaic and Dynamic Shell
Jenga / Blackjack
Some of our online megasites (or hosted websites)
(these are located in the Websites section)
[ 86 Central ]
Welcome to 86 Central, currently the largest and most comprehensive TI-86
assembly language page on the internet. This web page is for anyone who owns
a Texas Instruments TI-86 graphing calculator and is interested in
programming Zilog Z80 assembly language. Here you can find Z80 information,
TI-86 info, ROM info, source code, tutorials, and more! CGI functionality
has now been added to some pages. This is was created by Matt Johnson, but
has now fallen into the hands of the ACZ for safe keeping. Send any
questions, comments, or complaints to David Phillips.
[ 89 Central ] Welcome to 89 Central, the forthcoming 89 enterprise. This
site contains all files and informations that exist concerning Texas
Instruments' TI-89 and vast resources of Motorola 68K information. As the
TI-89 is still in its infancy, we have little to provide, but we do have
enough information available to help anyone quickly get started with the
basics of programming their 89 in assembly language. Direct all questions,
comments and complaints to Dux Gregis.
[ 86 Emulator Site ]
The Official Homepage of the TI-86 Emulator, Copyright © 1998 Steve Gordon
That is all, hopefully you will find ACZ a valuable programming reference,
and an interesting website. Much more is planned on being added to it, like
CGI's, and possibly the comment system that is used on ticalc.org. Feel free
to send your comments to any ACZ members or me, Matt Johnson:
© The 1999 Assembly Coder's Zenith Team
Matt Johnson <matt2000@dogtech.com>
ACZ Server / Website Administrator