A89: errors IE: Line 1111 Emulator
A89: errors IE: Line 1111 Emulator
Just to let you know, the errors that you are receiving, such as "Line
1111 Emulator" is not an error from plusshell or doorsos. In fact, it is
not an error that has anything to do with TI whatsoever. It/they are
errors from the actual Motorolla 68000 processor. I don't know what
causes them, and I'm not going to take the time to look through your code
to find the bug, instead I'm simply going to say thatyou shouldn't start
grilling the authors/programmers of games/shells about the errors,
because they might not know exactly what is causing the errors. Now
simple bugs that might cause keycode mixups, etc. can be both easy and
difficult to find, but I don't know what causes these errors. However,
some like "Address Error" that occurs because you're trying to store
something/access an address that doesn't exist, or is corrupt. Emulator
error, means that the on-processor emulator, the one that is running the
program so that you don't have to re-burn/write the product code after
every crash, had a problem. I don't know what causes the problem, so
don't ask me! I do have a book on it, and I'll check and see what it says
about that in the error appendix, but I'm not gonna do that right now!
Well, that's it for now, as for the guy who said he was gonna make a
snwoboarding game, do it! I love games like that! And if you do it right,
it'll kick ass!!!
Michael J Mallon
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