Re: A89: hiscore.ini?


Re: A89: hiscore.ini?

At 22:43 1998-12-27 EST, you wrote:
>In a message dated 12/27/98 7:19:15 PM Pacific Standard Time,
> writes:
><< What's a person to do? I suggest that in future versions of Plusshell and
> Doors OS, they support "INI" files, almost exactly like the ones found in
> Windows. That way, settings, hiscores, and stuff like that can be stored in
> there, and the program, which never changes, can be in the Archive.
>  >>
>i think this is a good idea.  now if only i knew how to do that...

Yes it's a good idea, only that I don't see why It has to be in the shell..
For the best security, use an own cryptosystem.. Maybe not because you are
better than the coders of doorsos or plusshell to code encryption system,
but because there is less chans that someone is motivated to hack a
cryptosystem that just enables him to change the highscore for one game..
but If it was in the os, most game would use it, and there is a much
greater motivation to hack it.. (But I hope people who have so much skill
so they are able to hack it, has so much brains that they understand how
rediculous it is to change highscores.. but.. people are stupid.. you never

