A89: hiscore.ini?
A89: hiscore.ini?
The 89 has about 500K of memory available, but unfortunately, it's really hard
to use. You know why. Most of it is in the Flash ROM archive. To get a good
chunk of it, you need to put large ASM programs and other data in there. The
only drawback, it seems, is that when an ASM program is run from the Archive,
the settings and hiscores are never saved!
What's a person to do? I suggest that in future versions of Plusshell and
Doors OS, they support "INI" files, almost exactly like the ones found in
Windows. That way, settings, hiscores, and stuff like that can be stored in
there, and the program, which never changes, can be in the Archive.
The only problem? It would probably have to be a hidden file or encoded,
otherwise, changing hiscores and such would be as easy as opening a text
document. Otherwise, I think that it is definately something to look in to...