Re: A89: Challenge!


Re: A89: Challenge!

This wouldn't be that hard to do.  I personally have more things to do,
especially in Windows Programming projects, but here is a description of how
it would work:
First, you have to examine a list to see the format.
You also should have a parameter for the program to specify folders or files.

1. Create a linked lists for the folder list.
2. if folders are wanted: Read the VAT for the main folder.
2a. Add each folder to the folder linked list.  I won't describe how a linked
list works here, but you can find it in any good C or C++ book.
3. If files are wanted: For the current folder, create a linked list, and read
the entries out of the VAT for the folder, putting each entry into a linked
4. Allocate some memory and put the linked list into the memory block in TI
5.  I think you then put the handle to the memory in the d0 register, and

Daniel Imfeld 

In a message dated 12/24/1998 7:51:14 AM Pacific Standard Time, writes:

> CHALLENGE!!!  l have a challenge for all of you assembly programmers out
>  there.  What l think would be cool is if you could make an assembly program
>  that would store folder and file names into lists with strings, so that 
> Basic
>  programmers would have an easier way to incorporate the functionality into
>  their programs. An example might be:
>  getfolds()    {"main","games","math}
>  getvars()    {"a","b","hexview","linelib","math"}   (this would get the 
> names
>  of the variables in the current folder)
>  getvars()[3]    "hexview"
>  lt would be very cool if someone could do this.