Re: A89: Serial link and TI-89 and other stuff
Re: A89: Serial link and TI-89 and other stuff
At 13:04 12/12/98 +0100, you wrote:
>3. I'm new to the TIcalc stuff, so please is there anyone who could
>me what is DOOROS and PLUSSHELL, do i need it to run ASM programs on
my TI-89.
>Also, which one is better? DOOROS or PLUSSHELL?
No, u don't need doors or plushell to run asm prog... but it's better to
use them...
The only thing u need is the library that come with the prog ( or at
ticalc )
I use Doors, i like it...
En francais :
le 89 accepte tres bien l'assembleur d'origine, mais tu as quand meme
besoin des librairies.
A mon avis, Doors est mieux (en plus c'est un francais qui le fait :-) ).
Et puis Doors accepte aussi
plusshell mais l'inverse est parfois faux...
e-mail moi pour plus d'inrfo