A89: Re: 85->89
A89: Re: 85->89
You can always just copy your sprites and paste them into a new b/w pic 100x160 pxls. I don't know,
put there are probably some fancy editors that will do the streaching for you. Be warned: the
streched pic may not look like anything close to what you intend because the comp will have to
decide what row/column to replicate, and it never decides the right one!
Can you give me a hint on what the pics were about?...
-Miles Raymond
-----Original Message-----
From: S43R80@aol.com <S43R80@aol.com>
To: assembly-89@lists.ticalc.org <assembly-89@lists.ticalc.org>
Date: Monday, December 07, 1998 3:06 PM
Subject: A89: 85->89
>Hey I drew a lot of sprites(very time consuming) for the 85 but I ran into a
>lot of trouble (not worth explaining)...so I would like to start up the game
>that i was writing again, but for the 89...I don't feel like drawing so many
>sprites over again...so is there a program that will convert 85 images to
>89...like filling in the gaps and making it adjust to the new